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Uno Mas And Host Top Poll Of Restaurants ATF Readers Most Want To Return To

Lisa Cope

Uno Mas on Aungier Street and Host in Ranelagh have topped a poll of restaurants Dubliners most want to return to once they reopen, with Alma in Portbello the most missed café amongst 2,000 respondents.

Uno Mas, Aungier Street (Shantanu Starick)

Host, Ranelagh

Uno Mas and Host received an identical amount of votes, with Uno Mas' sister restaurant Etto on Merrion Row coming in third, Niall Davidson's Allta coming in fourth, and Bastible in Dublin 8 coming in fifth.

Allta, Setanta Place

Alma in Portobello topped a list of cafés that Dubliners can't wait to get back to, with Bread 41 on Pearse Street in second place, and Bibi's, also in Portobello, coming in third.

Alma, Portobello

Over 80% of respondents said they have been using new takeaway, delivery and at home meal services from restaurants, with Mister S on Camden Street voted the best at home meal experience. Bujo's burger box came in second place, with Allta's 'Allta Box' coming in third.

Mister S, Camden Street

You can find the top 10 in each category below, and look out for part two of our survey results later today, on how readers are feeling about going out to eat again, and whether they think they will as much as they did before.

Top 10 Restaurants Dubliners Want To Return To

1. Uno Mas, Aungier Street + Host, Ranelagh (equal amount of votes)

3. Etto, Merrion Row

4. Allta, Setanta Place

5. Bastible, Dublin 8

6. Variety Jones, Dublin 8

7. Chapter One, Dublin 1

8. Mister S, Camden Street

9. Sprezzatura, Dublin 8

10. Pickle, Camden Street

Top 10 Cafés Dubliners Want To Return To

1. Alma, Portobello

2. Bread 41, Pearse Street

3. Bibi's, Portobello

4. The Fumbally, Dublin 8

5. Two Boys Brew, Phibsboro

6. The Pepperpot Café, Powerscourt Townhouse

7. Two Pups, Dublin 8

8. Brother Hubbard, Capel Street and Harrington Street

9. Tang, Abbey Street and Dawson Street

10. Avoca, Various locations

Top 10 Restaurant At Home Experiences

1. Mister S, Camden Street

2. Bujo Box, Sandymount

3. Allta Box, Setanta Place

4. Michael's/Little Mike's, Mount Merrion

5. Shouk, Drumcondra

6. Pickle, Camden Street

7. Liath To Go, Blackrock

8. Nightmarket, Ranelagh

9. 3 Leaves, Blackrock

10. Host, Ranelagh

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