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ATF Readers Are Invited To Allta's Soft Launch

Lisa Cope

Allta, the new wine bar with handmade food from formerly London-based chef Niall Davidson, opens next Wednesday the 20th November, but we've managed to bag ATF Readers seats at this week's invite-only soft launch, with 50% off the bill.

Allta has been over a year in the making, and has seen Davidson, along with chefs Hugh Higgins, and Christine Walsh, travel the length of the country looking for the best growers, producers and craftspeople to work with. They're calling it a wine bar with hand-crafted food, like housemade charcuterie and pasta, and after a sneaky look round the site last week, to say we're excited would be an understatement. Let's just say there's currently nothing like this in the city, and it's yet another notch on Dublin's upward trajectory when it comes to food and eating out.

Allta will open for an invite-only soft launch this week, and we have 20 seats on Thursday and Friday for All The Food readers, with 50% off the bill. It's capped at tables of two per person with seatings at 18:30 and 19:00, and it's first come first served so do not delay. To grab one send an email to with "ATF Soft Launch" in the subject line and your preferred day and time. We'll have the full opening story on Allta later in the week.

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