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5 Things We Want To Eat In Dublin This Week

Lisa Cope

As another long weekend has come and gone, and we’re left with the dawning realisation that it’s ages until the next one. It may be a short week for most of us, but it feels like a very long way to go to Friday, especially if you’ve over-indulged this bank holiday. You’re broke, you’re tired, you’re probably a little cranky. That’s okay, we’ve not going to try to make conversation (or eye-contact) with you, we’re just going to show you five things that will get you over the hump and feeling ready to take on August, and then we’ll back away slowly.

1) Cheese and Bacon Danish from Strudel Bakery

Absolutely hanging and heading for a jambon? Detour to Dún Laoghaire, have a brisk walk on the pier, then convince yourself that you’ve got your life together enough to merit upgrading your pastry choices to something much more upmarket than your regular deli offering. This version from Strudel, made with cheese sauce, smoked cheese, and bacon, looks like the cure.

2) Saucy Eggs from Little Frieda's

When you’re feeling a little delicate, it often feels like eggs will either cure you or kill you. We reckon Little Frieda’s fried eggs on toast, with roasted garlic yogurt, smoked chilli oil, and dukkah are enough to see you through the hard times. You can do this.

3) Ricotta Toast From As One

A new addition to the quays, As One is promising us “Food with Purpose”. If the purpose of their ricotta toast is to lure us inside, it’s working. Le Levain sourdough topped with Toonsbridge ricotta, banana, stewed apples, and caramelised walnuts is the crunchy, creamy mix that will help you rest and regroup after a long weekend.

4) The Breakfast Salad From Póg

Overdid the carbs at the weekend and made yourself a 3am promise that you’d eat nothing but salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? The guys at Póg heard you. Their new breakfast salad is a colourful mix of grilled halloumi, poached eggs, avocado, quinoa, radish, and picked onions, which is basically a pile of vitamins on a plate, and will make you seriously smug when the rest of your sesh buddies are crying into their Centra potato wedges.

5) The Rhubard Crumble From Beo Kitchen + Wine Bar

Look, we’re not saying you’re an emotional eater, but if you insist on eating your feelings, they may as well be delicious. Beo’s take on a classic rhubarb crumble with lemon curd, vanilla crème, and prosecco gel looks like the motivation you need to get dressed, get out, and get dessert.

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